Thursday, August 18, 2011

Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment Review

I have used this product extensively in the past where my acne was moderate to moderate severe. Since I am doing a series of reviews on Neutrogena products that I have used in the past or still currently using, I will be using the same format so that people can easily follow. So this entry is dedicated to the Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne treatment gel.

Benefits: Helps acne heal faster and also prevent scars. The active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide which works really well to help the healing process of an active acne. It can also prevent new acne from forming. However, it is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide which will irritate those that are sensitive to this chemical. This caused only slight irritation for my skin.

Side-affects: Can cause redness / itchy for those that are sensitive to this chemical. You can also get little red bumps all over the area that you applied this gel to. However, it is gentler than other benzoyl peroxide medicine or gel that I have used in the past.
Best for: Moderate acne. This will not help those deep cystic acne. It is only good for slight to moderate acne time.

Overall recommendation (out of five stars): 4 stars, because it is overall an effective product for slight to moderate acne. Does help the healing process significantly. However, it is brand name so it is on the more expensive side. For a little container, it cost around six dollars.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling some of these reviews are negative because they did not use this product in the best way
    best acne treatment
